[The information contained in the articles linked below is believed to be reliable. I have taken every precaution to verify its accuracy; I am not a medical professional and make no warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind as to its accuracy. Medical knowledge is in a constant state of change, and what I have written here may be out of date by the time you read it. The information that I have provided here is for informational purposes only and not for use in diagnosing any condition that you may or may not have. Always consult with you doctor before treating yourself.]
Accutane Side Effects <> The Side Effects of Crestor <> Natural Alternatives for Nexium? <> The Horrendous side effects of Sleep Aids and Anti-Depression Drugs <> The Horrifying Effects of Prescription Drugs <> Major Pharmaceutical Drugs and Their Side Effects <> Ten Common Drugs and Their Side Effects <> Actos Side Effects <> Ectrin Side Effects <> Fluoxetine Side Effects <> Prednisone Side Effects <> 24 Major Drugs and SOME of their Side Effects <> Synthroid Side Effects <> How to Avoid the Dangers of Prescription Drugs <> Lyrica Side Effects <> Salbutamol Side Effects <> Aripipraxole Side Effects <> Cetirizine Side Effects <> Naproxen Side Effects
What Are Heavy & Toxic Metals? <> List of Heavy & Toxic Metals <> Heavy & Toxic Metals TESTING FASCILITIES
Health - definitions and Important Information <> Important Information About Hospitals <> Ebola Information <> Bone Disease <> Anti-Biotics <> Toxic Products <> 4 Strain Flu Vaccine

November 2014: Ebola - information
October 2014: 3 and 4 strain Flu Vaccines - information
[The information contained in the articles linked below is believed to be reliable. I have taken every precaution to verify its accuracy; I am not a medical professional and make no warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind as to its accuracy. Medical knowledge is in a constant state of change, and what I have written here may be out of date by the time you read it. The information that I have provided here is for informational purposes only and not for use in diagnosing any condition that you may or may not have. Always consult with you doctor before treating yourself.]
Dermatitis is a skin condition in which rashes appear on the skin. These kinds of rashes usually take place due to the skin coming in contact with several contaminants, intolerance to certain foods, tension and so forth. Puffiness is the natural reaction of our immune system to allergens and pathogens. READ MORE
A lot of people already know that taking vitamins and minerals is important for the improvement of one’s health. Everybody also knows that the most natural way to get these vitamins and minerals is through vegetables, fruits, meat and other food that are rich in these supplements. READ MORE
Most households are full of toxic products that are quite hazardous to your health. These can be products that can be carcinogenic (cancer producing), and, and they are easy accessible to others in your homes. READ MORE
Your body needs glucose in order to get energy for cell and tissue function. Without energy, the cells do not function properly and the immune system is compromised. When your blood glucose levels are high, this could lead to Diabetes. The amount of glucose in blood it regulated by insulin. Insulin imbalances in your body cause this condition. READ MORE
We have reached a time in our health care system where many health authorities are now beginning to admit that the over prescribing of antibiotics is creating a problem that is much worse than the original illnesses. READ MORE
There are millions of microscopic organisms that exist in the whole world. Among the millions to billions that exist, fungi are one of them. Fungi are considered to be decomposers. These tend to break things down and this would include the human body. Particularly, the parasitic body fungus feeds on the live hosts to live. Fungi are responsible for various human diseases. READ MORE
The problem of obesity and overweight matters affecting people around the world is becoming an epidemic. More and more people are suffering from obesity in the US specifically, in the West and also around the world. There are many reasons why this problem keeps getting worse. The main concern that health professionals have is that obesity and weight issues affect the health of individuals concerned. Such individuals are predisposed to lifestyle diseases and chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, coronary and heart conditions and diabetes. READ MORE
Organic products are grown without using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, genetically modified organisms, sewage sludge, or ionized radiation. Animals that produce poultry, meat and eggs as well as dairy products do not take any growth hormones or antibiotics serve as the organic meat and milk food sources. READ MORE
What are hot flashes – ask just about any woman who is on the journey from pre-menopause to menopause and beyond and they will all have an answer to this question as well as some story about their worse hot flash. READ MORE