logWhat Is Arsenic? - By Clifford Woods

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What Is Arsenic?

Word Origin:
Encarta dictionary refers to it as “a steel-gray poisonous solid element that is a brittle crystalline metalloid. Use: in glass manufacture to remove impurities of color, in alloys to harden lead.” Arsenic’s name appears to derive from the Latin word arsenicum and the Greek word arsenikos, meaning “masculine” or “male.” In earlier times it was thought that metals had different sexes.
In the 4th century B.C. (B.C. refers to an abbreviation for 'Before Christ', used in the Gregorian calendar to refer to the era before the birth of Jesus Christ) Aristotle wrote about a form of arsenic. The 4th century B.C. started the first day of 400 B.C. and ended the last day of 301 B.C.
Then, in the 1st century ce (the period after the birth of Jesus Christ), Pliny and others wrote about other forms of Arsenic. By the 11th century ce three types of “arsenic” were recognized: white yellow and red.
The element itself possibly was first observed in the 13th century by Albertus Magnus, An alchemist known as Albert The Great, who noted the appearance of a metal-like substance when arsenicum, was heated with soap. There was some uncertainty about what he actually observed.
The first clearly authentic report appears to have been made in 1649 by Johann Schroeder, a German pharmacist, who prepared arsenic by Charcoal heating. Later, Nicolas Lémery, a French physician and chemist, observed the formation of arsenic when heating a mixture of the oxide, soap, and potash. By the 18th century, arsenic was well known as a unique semimetal.
The basic technical information on arsenic is as follows: Technically Arsenic is a chemical element with symbol As and an atomic number 33. A chemical element is a pure chemical substance consisting of a single type of atom distinguished by its atomic number, which is the number of protons in its atomic nucleus.
Name: Arsenic
Symbol: As
Atomic Number: 33
Atomic Mass: 74.9216 amu
Melting Point: 817.0 °C (1502.6 °F)
Boiling Point: 613.0 °C (1135.4 °F)
Number of Protons/Electrons: 33
Number of Neutrons: 42
Classification: Metalloid (note: Metalloids simply have the properties metals and non-metals)
Uses: Poison, conducts electricity, semiconductors.
Some Facts about arsenic:
• Arsenic and its compounds are poisonous. They have been used to make rat poison and some insecticides.
• Arsenic is an element (metalloid) that can combine with organic and inorganic substances.
• Inorganic arsenic is arsenic alone or combined with inorganic substances that are very toxic to most biologic systems, including humans.
• Organic arsenic is arsenic combined with organic substances and may be non-toxic or far less toxic to many biologic systems than inorganic arsenic.
• Symptoms of arsenic poisoning vary with the type and concentration of the poison; inorganic arsenic may cause abdominal pains, destruction of red blood cells, shock, and death quickly, while lower concentrations and occasionally organic arsenic cause far less severe symptoms.
• Diagnosis of arsenic poisoning is made by determining inorganic and organic levels of arsenic in the blood and urine.
• Treatment of arsenic poisoning in acute toxic poisonings needs to begin quickly; treatment involves removal of arsenic by dialysis, chelating agents, replacement of red blood cells, and if ingested, bowel cleansing.
• Acute toxic inorganic arsenic poisoning has only a fair to poor outcome; chronic poisoning has a better outcome.
• Arsenic is found in groundwater, many chemicals, and foods. If arsenic is in the organic form, it is likely nontoxic or weakly toxic to humans, but inorganic arsenic can also be found in similar locations and materials and in high concentrations in industrial processes. In 2013, the FDA made recommendations that less than 10 parts per billion of arsenic was acceptable for levels in apple juice. Levels for arsenic have yet to be FDA approved for rice, although groundwater levels that provide arsenic to rice was set the FDA at less than 10 parts per billion.
Some information about what can be expected from exposure to Arsenic:
Short-term exposure:
• Breathing in high levels of arsenic may cause a sore throat and irritated lungs.
• Swallowing high levels of arsenic can cause things like:
o Stomachache
o Nausea and vomiting
o Diarrhea
o Muscle weakness and cramping
o “Pins and needles” sensations in hands and feet
o Skin changes or rashes
o Bruising (caused by blood vessel damage)
• Exposure to high enough amounts of arsenic can be fatal.
• Contact with the skin can cause redness and swelling, although it’s not known if it can cause other health problems.
Long-term exposure:
• Exposure to lower levels of arsenic over longer periods of time can cause many of the same health problems listed above. It can also result in:
o Irregular heartbeat
o Liver and kidney damage
o A shortage of red and white blood cells, which can lead to fatigue and an increased risk of infections
o Skin changes are a common sign of chronic arsenic exposure. The changes can include
darkened patches of skin and the appearance of areas of thickened skin, usually on the
palms and soles.
Some Side Effects:
• Some of the side effects of arsenic include agitation, constipation, darkening of skin, drowsiness, earache, poor appetite, increased sweating, mouth sores, fatigue, weight loss, nausea, nose bleeding, vomiting, depression, seizures, tremors, dry eyes, allergic reactions, sudden weight gain, wheezing, irregular pulse and increased thirst.
A Trace Element:
Arsenic is a trace element (*an element that is required in minute amounts for normal growth and development and the functioning of vital enzyme systems). It is found in several foods including seafood, poultry, grains (especially rice), bread, cereal products, mushrooms, and dairy products. Some forms of arsenic are used as medicine.
Despite serious safety concerns, arsenic is often used as a part of extremely diluted homeopathic remedies that are used for digestive disorders, food poisoning, sleep problems, allergies, anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Arsenic is also contained in traditional Chinese medicine formulas and used for psoriasis; syphilis; asthma; joint pain; hemorrhoids; cough; itchiness; cancer; to reduce swelling and as a general tonic and pain-killer.
Natural medicines can be contaminated with arsenic and may produce symptoms of poisoning when consumed in large amounts or for extended periods of time. High arsenic levels have been reported in people who consume raw opium for long periods of time.
What can you do about arsenic exposure?
a) See your Doctor – if you suspect that you have been exposed or know that you have, see your doctor for the recommended treatments.
b) There are tests which can be done to determine the level of arsenic in your body – urine, blood, fingernails etc.
c) For long term exposure it is said that the most effective thing to do is to remove the source of the exposure – may require some searching once you have determined that you are contaminated with arsenic.
d) Not smoking – apparently this can increase the risk factor of certain types of cancers to those exposed to arsenic.
e) Reduce time in the sun – sun exposure to those with arsenic can apparently increase the risk of skin cancer.
f) Ask questions – if you have been exposed you want to know HOW (you have been exposed), WHEN (long term or short term exposure) and WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT – EFFECTIVELY?
g) Get more informed. Exposure to any type of heavy or toxic metals is a health risk; the more you know about the condition the more effective you will be in dealing with it and asking intelligent questions. What is that old saying? It is a wise man who knows at least one thing in any given situation; that he does not know! So, ask questions and research if you are not an expert on heavy or toxic metals poisoning. You want to find out HOW to handle any of the effects of arsenic poisoning and how to get it out of your body – fast!
For more information on Arsenic, see the sources used in this article below:
1) http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/36266/arsenic-As
2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_element
3) http://www.chemicalelements.com/elements/as.html
4) http://www.medicinenet.com/arsenic_poisoning/article.htm#arsenic_facts
5) http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/intheworkplace/arsenic
6) http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1226-
[The information contained in this article is believed to be reliable. I have taken every precaution to verify its accuracy; I am not a medical professional and make no warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind as to its accuracy. Medical knowledge is in a constant state of change, and what I have written here may be out of date by the time you read it. The information that I have provided here is for informational purposes only and not for use in diagnosing any condition that you may or may not have. Always consult with you doctor before treating yourself.]

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