A is for Apple, B is Beryllium – Wait What?
The title made you stop there for a second, didn’t it? Did you think that banana would be the next word? Admit it, it was a good guess though.
But kidding aside, do you know what Beryllium is? Well, if this is the first time you have heard about this element, then now is the perfect time to learn more about it. Who knows, this information might come in handy at some time in the future.
Word Origin: The name of this element was derived from the Greek word beryllos, which literally translates to “to become pale”. It earned its name due to its physical appearance, mainly its color.
History: The first mention of this element dates way back to the Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt. The early Egyptians made use of the gemstone beryl, but they did not really explain how.
This piqued the interest of many scientists, causing them to study the gemstone more closely. They did confirm that there is another substance found inside the stone, but for some reason, they all concluded that it’s just aluminium silicates and not a new substance.
René Just Haüy (Mineralogist) refused to believe these misleading claims since it did not match his own findings. He sought Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin (Chemist) and asked him to analyze the chemical properties of the stone. Haüy’s findings convinced Vauquelin to look further.
By 1798, this unknown substance was finally recognized and considered as a new addition to the alkaline earth metal family. Friedrich Wöhler and Antoine Bussy were the first scientists who were able to separate it successfully. They used different techniques in achieving this feat.
Further studies also helped determine its uses. It was found that combining this new metal with other elements such as aluminium, copper, iron and nickel strengthens it and improves it.
Technical: Beryllium is one of the Alkaline Earth elements listed under the Periodic Table (Group 2). It goes by the symbol Be and has an atomic number of 4. This element is considered to be one of the rarest because it can only be found in semi-precious gemstones like beryl, aquamarine and emeralds. It is lightweight, rust-resistant and more elastic than normal steel. It can also withstand constantly changing temperatures. One can also combine it with other metallic elements to improve its strength.
Name: Beryllium
Symbol: Be
Atomic Number: 4
Atomic Mass: 9.0121831(5)
Melting Point: 1560 K (1287 °C, 2349 °F)
Boiling Point: 3243 K (2970 °C, 5338 °F)
Number of Protons/Electrons: 4
Number of Neutrons: 5
Classification: Alkaline Earth
The Different Uses of Beryllium:
Radiation Windows – It is mainly useful in X-ray machines. The low atomic number makes it transparent, making it easier to pass light through it. This helps the machines in producing crisper and clearer images.
Mechanical Applications – Spaceships, missiles and satellites. These are the few examples of mechanical devices that use this kind of metal. Its lightweight and rust-resistant characteristics make it the number one choice in building these kind of crafts.
Magnetic Applications – It is widely used by Naval or Military forces. Its non-magnetic characteristic works best in minefields because it does not attract magnetic signals that can cause explosions. It is also being used in devices such as radars and radios.
Nuclear applications – This metal is sometimes used in constructing nuclear bombs. Its high conductivity and quality makes it suitable for these types of design.
Acoustics – Speakers are one fine example. It produces good quality sound if shaped and handled correctly.
Lighting – This type of element is one of the major components in making fluorescent lighting tubes. However, this is no longer being practiced because a large number of workers had developed ABD or Acute Beryllium Disease.
Medicine - Like what has been mentioned earlier, this substance can also be combined with other types of metals. One perfect example would be mixing it with copper. Combining it with copper improves elasticity and conductivity, which is best in making various types of surgical instruments.
Mirrors – Another innovative way of using this type of metal. It’s mostly been used as a supporting structure to make it more stable. It is also being used in high-end telescopes. Its capability to withstand different temperatures makes it more preferable than a normal glass.
Transportation – It is commonly used in making airbags and brake systems. Its capability to be deployed in a flash makes it ideal, especially in emergency situations.
Exposure & Expectations:
Minimal exposure to Beryllium is not harmful to one’s health because traces can already be found inside your body. However, too much exposure can lead to many different things.
Here are some examples that are ranked by level of severity.
Skin diseases – Frequent physical contact with such substance can trigger allergic reactions like dermatitis. Symptoms: Raised bumps, redness and rashes.
Chronic Berylliosis Disease (CBD) – is a pulmonary (referring to the lungs) disease. Breathing in smoke or dust that has traces of this substance can frequently cause lung swelling. People who normally develop this kind of illness are either a machinistby profession or they simply live near hazardous waste sites.
Symptoms: It’s a slow-paced disease, which means that it takes years for it to fully develop. However, the most common indicators are recurring chest pains, shorter breaths, fatigue, cough and night sweats.
Acute Beryllium Disease (ABD) – The next level of CBD. It displays the same characteristics as pneumonia, but it is more fatal. Symptoms: Chest pains, cough, cold and difficulty in breathing.
Lung Cancer – Frequent and excessive exposure can lead to cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) listed this type of element as a carcinogen.