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ALL Vibrant Life products are manufactured in facilities that are registered or certified under one or more of the following:

ISO (FSSC22000:2010 is a program recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative and has worldwide credibility. Based on an ISO standard, FSSC22000:2010 combines ISO 22000:2005 with additional requirements for prerequisite programs for the safety of food in food manufacturing)

GMP (A good manufacturing practice (GMP) is a production and testing practice that helps to ensure a quality product. Many countries have legislated that pharmaceutical and medical device companies must follow GMP procedures, and have created their own GMP guidelines that correspond with their legislation. Basic concepts of all of these guidelines remain more or less similar to the ultimate goals of safeguarding the health of the patient as well as producing good quality medicine, medical devices or active pharmaceutical products. In the U.S. a drug may be deemed adulterated if it passes all of the specifications tests but is found to be manufactured in a condition which violates current good manufacturing guidelines. Therefore, complying with GMP is a mandatory aspect in pharmaceutical manufacturing)

NSF (NSF International was founded in 1944 from the University of Michigan's School of Public Health as the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to standardize sanitation and food safety requirements. The transparent, consensus-based process established to develop NSF International's first standards regarding the sanitation of soda fountain and luncheonette equipment, became the process by which NSF International developed other public health and safety standards. To date, NSF has developed more than 77 public health and safety American National Standards. As NSF expanded services beyond sanitation and into new international markets, the name was changed to NSF International in 1990)
The information, which includes although not restricted to, text, visuals, along with other content located on this website is for informative purposes only. The objective of this website is to enhance broad client comprehension and understanding of numerous health subjects.
It is not meant to be a replacement for qualified healthcare guidance, medical diagnosis, or treatment.
Always get the advice of your doctor or other certified health care provider with any concerns you might have with regards to a medical condition, preventative routine, lifestyle changes, or treatment and before starting a new medical routine, and never dismiss professional medical guidance or postpone in seeking it as a result of anything you might have read on this website.
Vibrant Life does not suggest or promote any particular tests, doctors, merchandise, methods, viewpoints, lifestyle changes, or additional information which may be listed on this website.
Reliability on any information mentioned on this website is exclusively at your own risk.
October 23rd 2014 - THE 4 STRAIN FLU VACCINE - By Clifford Woods
I have been hearing a lot about this 4 strain Flu Vaccine in the news lately and got curious about it. I started doing some casual looking into it. The official name for the Flu is “Influenza”.
The first question I had was WHAT is this 4 strain? I looked that up and ran into the 3 strain vaccine; so I had a look at that to figure out the difference.
It seems that Influenza* vaccines are developed each year to protect people from the three strains expected to be most prevalent, according to the US Library of Medicine. So the vaccine seems to change each year depending on the type of influenza that is expected to be the most common.
*(Influenza is a viral illness producing a high temperature, sore throat, runny nose, headache, dry cough, and muscle pain. The illness is widespread, especially during winter months, and can sometimes be fatal.)
The Flu:
The vaccines are developed to help fight the Flu (Influenza) which is described as a contagious virus that is seasonal.
The flu season in the United States usually runs from November through March each year. It is said to be different from a cold, comes on suddenly and some of the more severe symptoms are: fever (usually high), headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches and stomach symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, also possible; more common in children than adults.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), estimates that influenza accounts for approximately 36,000 deaths and more than 200,000 hospitalizations every year in the United States. The Flu is said to infect about 5 to 20% of the US population every year.
For a more detailed study of the vaccines and information on how the viruses are selected to make the vaccine, what they protect against, the factors that influence which virus are chosen to go into the seasonal Flu vaccine, what the CDC’s role is in vaccine production and a lot of other information; check out this link to the CDC website:
This article is mainly dealing with what the 3 and 4 strain vaccine is at this time.
The Vaccines:
The 3 strain Flu vaccine – According to the CDC, all of the 2014-2015 influenza vaccine is made to protect against the following three viruses:
- 1) An A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus.
- 2) An A/Texas/50/2012 (H3N2)-like virus and
- 3) a B/Massachusetts/2/2012-like virus.
(See below for information on these viruses)
This would be the 3 strain Flu vaccine. The names above are just fancy names for the type of influenza virus that the Flu vaccine is supposed to protect one against..
The 4 strain Flu vaccine - For years, flu vaccines were designed to protect against three different flu viruses (trivalent).
This included an influenza A H1N1 virus (Influenza A (H1 N1) virus is the subtype of influenza A virus that was the most common cause of human influenza (flu) in 2009), an influenza A H3N2 virus (Influenza A virus subtype H3N2 (also H3N2) is a subtype of viruses that causes influenza (flu). H3N2 Viruses can infect birds and mammals.
In birds, humans, and pigs the virus has mutated into many strains) and one B virus.
Influenza B viruses are said to infect only humans and seals.
Experts had to choose one B virus, even though there are two very different lines of B viruses that both circulate during most seasons. This meant the vaccine did not protect against the group of B viruses not included in the vaccine.
Adding another B virus to the vaccine aims to give broader protection against circulating flu viruses; this creates what is known these days as the 4 strain Flu vaccine.
The apparent information at this time is that 4 strain Flu vaccine will be offering more protection that the 3 strain one.
How Well Does Flu Vaccines Work?
The CDC has done a lot of studies on this subject. The studies are ongoing. How well they work depends on a couple of major factors:
1) The age and helth of the person being vaccinated.
2) How well the Flu vaccine is matched to the type (strain) of Flu being circulated in any given year when the vaccinations are being done.
Check the CDC website for information on the following point: (links below)
How effective is the flu vaccine?
What are the benefits of flu vaccination?
Is the flu vaccine effective against all types of flu and cold viruses?
Does the flu vaccine work the same for everyone?
How effective is the flu vaccine in the elderly?
If vaccine works less well in older people should they still get vaccinated?
How effective is the flu vaccine in children?
How are benefits of vaccination measured?
How does CDC present data on flu vaccine effectiveness?
Why are confidence intervals important for understanding flu vaccine effectiveness?
Why are there so many different outcomes for vaccine effectiveness studies?
How does CDC measure how well the vaccine works?
What do recent vaccine effectiveness studies show?
Do recent vaccine effectiveness study results support flu vaccination?
Where can I get more information?
Besides vaccination, how can people protect themselves against the flu?
The Other Side of the Coin:
The above is the information from the CDC and other "recognized" sources.
On the other side of the coin there has recently been some developments that suggests that the Flu vaccines may actually be increasing the risk of people contracting the H1N1 virus as well as causing more serious bouts of illnesses.
Check out the information yourself and decide for yourself. We believe that boosting your immune system is certainly a good thing to do so, check out the information and decide which is best for you.
[The information contained in this article is believed to be reliable. I have taken every precaution to verify its accuracy; I am not a medical professional and make no warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind as to its accuracy. Medical knowledge is in a constant state of change, and what I have written here may be out of date by the time you read it. The information that I have provided here is for informational purposes only and not for use in diagnosing any condition that you may or may not have. Always consult with you doctor before treating yourself.]
Basic Products
Chelation Video:
Life Glow Basic
Life Glow Basic is the most simple and least expensive dietary supplement formula, containing only four ingredients. It is deliberately designed to be a single-purpose product, promoting better health
One should take other vitamins and you must take som
e form of minerals with this formula. It is not the balanced set of all the vitamins and minerals that you need.
One capsule of LGB (Life Glow Basic) contains:
400 mg EDTA
100 mg N Acetyl Cysteine
100 mg Vitamin C
100 mg Methyl Sulfonyl Methane
1 Bottle = 360 capsules, 6 month supply depending on use.
1 Bottle: $120.00
4 Bottles: $360 (25% discount)
8 Bottles: $672 (30% discount)
24 Bottles: $1872 (35% discount)
60 Bottles: $4320 (40% discount)
Life Glow Plus
Life Glow Plus is the original and standard dietary supplement formula from Vibrant Life. Life Glow Plus also provides all the vitamins and minerals you need in this balanced formula. Life Glow Plus has 51 ingredients, promoting better health.
1 Bottle = 300 capsules = 2 weeks supply.
1 Bottle: $50.00
4 Bottles: $150 (25% discount)
8 Bottles: $280(30% discount)
24 Bottles: $780 (35% discount)
60 Bottles: $1800 (40% discount)
Life Glow Plus Powder
The same great dietary supplement formula as our Life Glow Plus capsules now available in an easy to take powder!
Life Glow Plus is the dietary supplement original formula from Vibrant Life. Life Glow Plus also provides all the vitamins and minerals you need in this balanced formula. It promotes better health and has 51 ingredients.
1 Bottle = 1 Month Supply
1 Bottle: $100.00
4 Bottles: $300 (25% discount)
8 Bottles: $560 (30% discount)
24 Bottles: $1560 (35% discount)
60 Bottles: $3600 (40% discount)
Super Life Glow
Super Life Glow is the best vitamin and dietary supplement formula.
It contains massive quantities of nutrients, more than 60 of them! Super Life Glow is made up of the same ingredients as Life Glow Plus, but we have increased the quantities of some ingredients and also added several additional nutrients that are particularly expensive; promoting better health.
Pricing: 1 Bottle (300 capsules) =10day supply
1 Bottle: $90.00
4 Bottles: $270 (25% discount)
8 Bottles: $504 (30%discount)
24 Bottles: $1404 (35% discount)
60 Bottles: $3240 (40% discount)
ORGANIC SULFUR (MSM) 500 mg Capsules
MSM stands for Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, organic sulfur falls on the ground and is used by plants.
Recent survey shows that Sulfur makes people feel better and offers relief from pain. Organic sulfur is also a most important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.
Water and the oxygen it contains is a vital necessity for life. The oxygen in water is what allows our cells to regenarate, regardless of their age. Sulfur is one of the basic elements that transports that oxygen across the cell membranes so that they can regenerate. Thus the vital necessaity for regular intake of sulfur.
Pricing: 500mg Capsules, 500 per Zip Bag
1 Sealed Bag: $60.30
4 Sealed bags: $180.88
8 Sealed Bags: $316.00
20 Sealed bags: $603.00
40 Sealed bags: $1,005.00
MSM stands for Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, organic sulfur falls on the ground and is used by plants.
Recent survey shows that Sulfur makes people feel better and offers relief from pain. Organic sulfur is also a most important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.
Water and the oxygen it contains is a vital necessity for life. The oxygen in water is what allows our cells to regenarate, regardless of their age. Sulfur is one of the basic elements that transports that oxygen across the cell membranes so that they can regenerate. Thus the vital necessaity for regular intake of sulfur.
Pricing: 1 Bag = 1 Kg (2.2 pounds)
1 Sealed Bag: $73.70
2 Sealed Bags: $140.70
5 Sealed Bags: $201.00
10 Sealed Bags: $301.50
20 Sealed Bags: $552.75
ENHANCED ORGANIC SULFUR (MSM) -- -- With Food Grade Amino Acid
MSM stands for Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, organic sulfur falls on the ground and is used by plants.
Recent survey shows that Sulfur makes people feel better and offers relief from pain. Organic sulfur is also a most important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.
Water and the oxygen it contains is a vital necessity for life. The oxygen in water is what allows our cells to regenarate, regardless of their age. Sulfur is one of the basic elements that transports that oxygen across the cell membranes so that they can regenerate. Thus the vital necessaity for regular intake of sulfur.
1 kg Enhanced MSM: $88.44
2 x 1kg Enhanced MSM: $168.84
5 x 1kg Enhanced MSM: $241.20
10 x 1kg Enhanced MSM: $361.80
20 x 1kg Enhanced MSM: $663.30
Taheebo Life Tea • Bone Dense Calcium • Clarks Minerals
Taheebo Life Tea
Taheebo Life Tea
Taheebo is just one of the names, also Pau D’ Arco and Ipe Roxa, brought from South America and sold widely as a tea. Certificate of Analysis of the Taheebo used in our Capsules is here.
Each capsule contains 500mg of Taheebo.
Pricing: 1 Bottle = 300 capsules
1 Bottle: $70.00
4 Bottles: $210 (25% discount)
8 Bottles: $392 (30% discount)
24 Bottles: $1092 (35% discount)
60 Bottles: $2520 (40% discount)
Bone Dense Calcium
Want to exercise but can't?
Bone Dense CALCIUM is the solution for an active lifestyle!
This product contains microcrystalline hydroxy apatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. Vibrant Life calls this product Bone Dense Calcium because this is exactly what it does. The type of calcium used in this formula is the only type ofcalcium that has been scientifically provento actually reverse bone loss. List of ingredients.
Pricing: 1 Bottle = 300 capsules
1 Bottle: $70.00
4 Bottles: $210 (25% discount)
8 Bottles: $392 (30% discount)
24 Bottles: $1092 (35% discount)
60 Bottles: $2520 (40% discount)
Clarks Minerals
T. J. Clark Colloidal Minerals are developed from plant-sourced minerals specifically to supplement the balance of the body’s natural need for true minerals.
This unique liquid mineral comes from the solitary source on the planet where vegetation, millions of years ago, was covered with dirt and rocks in some cataclysmic earthquake. Jan 2012 Mineral Analysis Here>>>>
Pricing: 1 Bottle = 1 quart (32 ounces)
1 Bottle: $25.00
4 Bottles: $75 (25% discount)
8 Bottles: $140 (30% discount)
Vibrant Skin Care Products • Calm Cream
Calm Cream
Calm Cream contains a Vibrant Life proprietary formula that is widely used.
Calm Cream is not a cosmetic - certainly not a drug but you will see more and more skin products following our lead and finally realizing that the skin needs nutrition.
Calm Cream contains Organic Sulfur (MSM) now proven to be a primary nutrient for skin.
See Certicicate Of Analysis Of Our Cream Here
Pricing: 1 Bottle = 5 ounces
1 jar: $37.50
4 jars: $112.50 (25% discount)
8 jars: $210 (30% discount)
24 jars: $585 (35% discount)
60 jars: $1,350 (40% discount)
Calm Cream Jars
Pricing on Bulk Orders: 50 kg Drums
1 Drum: $2,625
4 Drums: $9,000
8 Drums: $15,000
Skin Repair Cream
Vibrant Skin, Skin Repair Cream is our premier skin cream. We have added essential oils and the maximum amount of MSM for the wonderful properties it brings to this formula.
Now this effective combination can be delivered to the deepest layers of the skin.
1.75 Ounce Jar
1 jar: $45.00
4 jars: $135 (25% discount)
8 jars: $250 (30% discount)
24 jars: $700 (35% discount)
60 jars: $1,600 (40% discount)
8 Ounce Jar
1 jar: $120.00
4 jars: $360 (25% discount)
8 jars: $670 (30% discount)
24 jars: $1,875 (35% discount)
60 jars: $4,320 (40% discount)
Pricing On Bulk Orders
8 Drums = $60,000
Product Guarantee
The Vibrant Life Guarantee is nothing short of remarkable! Every product sold at the regular retail price by Vibrant Life is covered by a money back guarantee. We recognize that many people perceive our vitamin products as "high priced" but we also realize that our Company Philosophy has been to formulate and present formulas which do the job and where the cost of the ingredients is very secondary.
Thus, our most popular product, Life Glow Plus, sells for $50 for one bottle -- about a one-half month supply. However, it has 51 ingredients and if you went out into your store to purchase each of these 51 ingredients separately, you would wind up paying MORE than $50.00. The point is that if you really WANT all those ingredients, they WOULD cost you more than $50.00. So, these products are not "priced high" but rather the ingredients are expensive!
Nonetheless, the prices are sometimes surprising to a new customer. We have helped in this regard by offering a regular retail price for products and then covering the purchase of these products, at the regular retail price, by an amazing guarantee.
Any time, within 30 days after purchase, you can get a total refund for the cost of a single bottle purchased at the retail price of any of our Vibrant Life brand products, except Life Glow Basic, purchased at the retail price.
Life Glow Basic is $120 per bottle and could be as much as a one-year supply. Normally people do not buy this product at a discount, as virtually all our other products are purchased. If someone is concerned about whether or not this product will "work," we suggest you buy one bottle of Life Glow Plus, or Super Life Glow, and see that product "work." Those products, when purchased as a single bottle, at retail price, are covered by the money-back guarantee. Life Glow Basic is not.
We also recognize that our business has been successful because of long-term relationships we have built up with customers who have become very good friends. So, we reward our friends with discounts based on the volume of their purchases. Some customers are still worried about that first purchase -- feeling that vitamins at these price levels are different from anything else they have ever considered buying. We offer this unusual money-back guarantee to help first-time customers overcome their concerns.
You are encouraged to purchase one bottle of any of our Vibrant Life products, at the regular retail price. If you don't get the results you want -- and you are the only judge -- you can get a complete refund of the price. You do not have to return an empty bottle! You can make that decision anytime within 30 days after purchase.
I can't imagine a money-back guarantee that is more consumer-friendly than this. Now, if you purchase one of our products at the retail price, decide that you like the results and then decide to start buying larger quantities, at the discounted prices, then, of course, the retail purchase guarantee no longer applies.
So, buy one bottle as a test. If you like the results, get a 25% discount anytime you purchase four or more bottles of the same product.
If you purchase any of our products at a discount and THEN want a refund, we give those refunds only for returned products that are unopened and salable. The refund would be based on the discounted price paid, and would not cover the shipping in either direction. Our refund rate has been less than 2%, consistently, year after year during the 30+ years we have been in business. We are very confident that you will get excellent results and that this money-back guarantee will NOT become a burden on us.
To repeat and make it quite plain: You can purchase any of our Vibrant Life products, getting one bottle at the retail price, and know that your purchase is covered by a 30 Day money back guarantee. All you have to do is notify us that you did not get the results you wanted and you'll get a refund check in the mail. (We also sell some products that are NOT Vibrant Life brands -- such as MSM. These are generally covered by the guarantee from the company that makes them.)
You do not have to return the "unused portion" or any empty bottle on the "retail product" guarantee. We do reserve the right to give you that refund and then not sell you any other products in the future. We do this because we have found that "some people" just don't do well with any type of vitamin product. There are some people who would try every one of our products, one after another, asking for refunds on each purchase. So, buy anything you wish and be comfortable that your purchase is covered by the money-back guarantee.
The wholesale price is offered to get your loyalty as a long-term customer and to reward you for volume of purchases. Our maximum discount is 40% from the regular retail price. You may purchase Vibrant Life products in confidence. We DO sell a few products which are not exclusive to Vibrant Life. In all cases these are covered by the money back guarantee of the company which produces those products. But, all products exclusive to Vibrant Life are covered by the 30-day money back guarantee described on this page.
Vibrant Life